Project No.: 22020526
Project Title: "Palócland - Hont - Podpol'anie" - CBC CULTURAL TOURISM
Project Period: 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2021
Project partners:
- Palóc Út Klaszter Egyesület / Palóc Route Cluster Egyesület (HU)
- Komunikačné centrum Detva/KC DETVA (SK)
“Palócföld - Hont - Podpol'anie – Traditional Thematic Route” is centred on traditions; its foundation was supported by HUSK funding and it became a leading tourism destination of the region in its name with further successful INTERREG projects. The consecutive projects generated a range of supply elements which becomes more and more valuable for those wanting to travel following the COVID19 epidemic. Some say, reviving tourism turns from mass-visited places (maybe for good) to untouched nature, outdoor activities (cycling, hiking) and less popular destinations.
Our preparation focused just on that; tourism product development related to rich cultural heritage and natural resources, establishment of new destinations, information points presenting attractions and of new leisure time centres (handicraft homes, playgrounds etc) happened on time. We produced service packages with routes across the border, and a mobile application. We created recreation points differentiated according to age groups, a bicycle rental system and we purchased bicycles. Promotion remains to be done.
The purpose of the current project is to integrate the tourism players of Palócföld - Hont - Podpol'anie – Traditional Thematic Route and to establish a co-operation among the service providers of the joint destination. The most important task of the two Associations doing management and communication is to support the sales and marketing activities of the former results. Our joint objectives specifically: to form marketable products from the existing attractions, to compose package offers from new and existing supply elements and to involve related tourism service providers into our established marketing systems.
We plan to make personal visits mostly to enterprises active in tradition-preservation and tourism (accommodation hosts, catering enterprises) for recruiting and widening the scope of services. At these meetings 10-20 people would participate who have services in common, are located in the same micro region or linked by biking / hiking trail, or offer complementary services.
In the joint marketing activities regular information must be provided to the public. Considering the epidemic situation we shall prefer print and online marketing. There will be 3 press conferences (1 opening, 1 final and 1 intermediate), but we only provide information in person at the final press event. The one public project event is planned to be the closing event of the project. The detailed description of the project will be available on and (project partner’s) website. We publish 4 press articles, 2 in Hungarian and 2 in Slovak language press.
The Promotion campaign will be a bicycle tour presenting the traditions, cultural and natural resources of the region - for enterprising journalists, photographers and cameramen. Participants will make a promotional video.
Press information is here
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